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Score du niveau d’engagement suscité par Simon

The total cost to get the score for each question will be CHF 8.00 (2.00 per score). If you choose the free version, you will only get the total average but without the score for each question.

As a welcome gift to new EazyMirror users, we are happy to offer you free access to these first comprehensive reports. Click on the button below to continue.

As billing is based on the number of respondents and the number of questions, payment will only occur when you can no longer add respondents or questions, i.e. once the emails have been sent.

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Who will receive the results

Sending of his personalized report to the person evaluated (Simon <>)
Sending the consolidated report to myself
Note: if this option is not checked, you will not be able to see the report but only manage sending the personalized reports to evaluees
Sending reports to an external person (eg a coach)
Each respondent will receive an email with a unique link to access the questionnaire.
To avoid multiple responses, this link can only be used once. As the answers are anonymous, this link allows you to know who did not answer but not what each respondent answered.
For the sake of transparency, the questionnaire sent to respondents specifies the name(s) of the person(s) who will receive the survey results. As a result, it will no longer be possible to change this choice once the questionnaires have been sent.

Additional parameters

Announced due date
This is the 1st deadline for responding to the questionnaire, it will be communicated to respondents in the invitation email.
Closure date
After this date, respondents will no longer be able to participate in the survey.
If necessary, you can still modify this date afterwards, as long as it has not expired.
You will be offered to pay once the emails have been sent

You can enter below a global question (e.g to ask improvements on survey) that will only be asked once per survey.

Questions' list

En faisant abstraction des conditions cadre de l’organisation sur lesquelles Simon n’a pas beaucoup d’emprise, veuillez donner votre opinion sur les points suivants qui concernent son leadership personnel:
1 -Indépendamment de ses compétences professionnelles, à quel point Simon vous donne envie par son leadership de donner le meilleur de vous-même dans votre travail ?
2 -A quel point encourageriez-vous des candidats qui envisagent de travailler pour Simon à postuler ?
3 -A quel point souhaitez-vous continuer à être dirigé par Simon en raison de son leadership (donc indépendamment de ses compétences professionnelles) ?
4 -A quel point pensez-vous que XY attire et retient les talents ?


All / None

The people below will receive a link to do their self-assessment
You can avoid sending the email to someone by unchecking her/his box